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Online Sexual Exploitation of Children

IJM Leader Sam Inocencio Receives Highest Anti-Trafficking Award from U.S. Government
Every year, the U.S. State Department honours individuals who have significantly contributed to ending human trafficking. This year, IJM’s Atty. Sam...
Where Passion and Skills Intersect to do Justice in the Philippines
From Canada to the Philippines, Tryphena's passion for justice and desire to grow closer to God's work drew her to move to Cebu to complete a year...
International Justice Mission Partners with NCMEC, Law Enforcement and Tech to Protect Children Online through Training in Côte d’Ivoire
IJM and partners are collaboratively delivering law enforcement training in Côte d’Ivoire that will support police in identifying offenders and...
IJM Calls on Canada to Take Action to Reduce Online Sexual Exploitation of Children
IJM Canada is calling on the Government of Canada to spearhead new efforts to stop the online sexual exploitation of children by Canadian-based...
Strengthening Prevention & Response to Canadian Online Sexual Abuse of Filipino Children
IJM Canada and co-chairs MP John McKay, MP Andréanne Larouche, MP Arnold Viersen and Senator Julie Miville-Dechêne of the All-Party Parliamentary...
Playing Your Part is All You Need to Make an Impact
Have you ever wondered, “What difference can I make?” Seven years ago, David Pollendine, IJM Canada's National Director of Development was asking...
Not Swift Enough: Survivors and Children Wait for Government, Industry to Act
In January explicit deepfake images of Taylor Swift exploded across the internet. Tech platforms rightfully rushed to respond yet, industry actions...
Trafficker Gets Four Life Sentences for Online Sexual Exploitation of Children
Arrested after offering to sexually abuse her 6-year-old son and a one-year-old girl for profit, a 32-year-old trafficker has been sentenced to four...
IJM Canada CEO Closes Edmonton 'The Safety of Our Cities Conference' with Keynote Speech Focused on Online Exploitation of Children
On Sept. 20, before an audience of law enforcement, public health, social agency, corporate and government officials, IJM Canada CEO Anu George...

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