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IJM Leader Sam Inocencio Receives Highest Anti-Trafficking Award from U.S. Government
Every year, the U.S. State Department honours individuals who have significantly contributed to ending human trafficking. This year, IJM’s Atty. Sam...
Not Swift Enough: Survivors and Children Wait for Government, Industry to Act
In January explicit deepfake images of Taylor Swift exploded across the internet. Tech platforms rightfully rushed to respond yet, industry actions...
IJM Canada CEO Closes Edmonton 'The Safety of Our Cities Conference' with Keynote Speech Focused on Online Exploitation of Children
On Sept. 20, before an audience of law enforcement, public health, social agency, corporate and government officials, IJM Canada CEO Anu George...
IJM Statement on 2022 Global Estimates of Modern Slavery
New findings on the astounding increase in modern slavery—with more than 50 million people exploited in 2021—should be an urgent wake-up call to the...
How IJM is Using Technology to End Human Trafficking
In a matter of seconds, 12-year-old Solenn* was sexually abused in real-time, robbed of her dignity and innocence as paying customers around the...
IJM Launches “Free to Play” Anti-trafficking Initiative at Super Bowl LVI
Wednesday, Feb. 9, 2022, LOS ANGELES, CA — Sports fans around the world are getting ready for Super Bowl LVI, and it is estimated that more than 90...
Real Results from Investigative Workshop in the Philippines
The Advanced Investigative Workshop, held March 25-April 5 in Cebu, brought global collaboration from nations like Australia, the U.K. and the U.S....

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