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IJM Equips Guatemalan Investigators with Training on Photo and Video Evidence Collection
In Guatemala, over 220 investigators were taught how to gather evidence for investigations of sexual crimes against women and children. The ability...
IJM supports the Launch of the Crime Victims Reparation Policy in Guatemala
Guatemala, Guatemala – On August 28, Guatemala unveiled the launch of the “Crime Victims Reparation Policy” at the International Summit. This...
Children and Adolescents attend Fair organized by IJM Guatemala and Community Partners
On June 21, the Local Protection Network in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala and IJM Guatemala facilitated a fair to inform children and adolescents how...
Forty-three Guatemalan Judges Receive Training on Trauma-Informed Care
IJM Guatemala trained 43 justice system officials on the challenges that victims and survivors encounter while trying to seek help from the Public...
Una vista inolvidable: Justice in Guatemala
IJM Canada staff member, Lorianne, visits our Guatemala field office. Learn more about her experience as she meets with the staff, survivors and...
IJM Canada visits Field Office in Guatemala
Canadian supporters and IJM Canada staff participated in a flagship trip to Guatemala. Participants learned about Guatemala’s complex history and...

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