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IJM Celebrates 25 Years of Progress and the Heroes Who Make It Possible
As we celebrate our 25th anniversary, IJM gratefully rejoices over the 76,000+ people rescued from slavery and everyday violence, and the 7.3 million...
Compassion and Justice: How we create a world for moms, children and all of us to thrive
CEO of IJM Canada, Anu George Canjanathoppil and President & CEO of Compassion Canada, Allison Alley, host a candid conversation about their personal...
Hope's Story
Hope was just a 13-year-old boy when a woman came to his village in Ghana sharing news of a man looking to hire local boys. The woman promised Hope’s...
Lakot's Story
How long would you hold out for justice? How long would you work to secure a future for your children? Lakot’s story is one of great perseverance in...
Francesca's Story
Francesca thought she was sneaking out of the house for a fun day at the beach with her new friend. We want to warn you that Francesca's story...
Cassie's Story
Cassie* was 12 when a family friend lured her to Manila. “He told me that he can help me to reach all of my dreams,” she remembers, and at first she...
Celebrating the 2020-2021 IJM Canada Campus Chapter Presidents
When we asked them to share this year's highlights and takeaways and what's next for them, they said:
Raju's Story
Right now, we’re all looking forward to the moment we can reunite with families and loved ones, finally exchanging big hugs and smiles with mask-less...
Concerts of Hope
Join IJM artist partners as they bring their music and inspiring survivor stories to your home during our online Concerts of Hope!

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Your skills, talents, and ideas are a force for change. From birthday parties to polar dips, your fundraising campaign can stop the violence.

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In the meantime, please take a look at our free guide: 25 Tips for the Novice Fundraiser.

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