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Sex Trafficking

The Joy of What Lies Ahead: A Survivor of Child Trafficking Reunites with IJM Decades After Her Rescue
Sharon Cohn Wu, now IJM North America President, was central to this 2003 rescue operation and called the reunion "a once-in-a-lifetime moment."
Court Sentences Five Sex Traffickers to Life Imprisonment
In May 2023, a Kolkata Court in India announced a groundbreaking judgment, sentencing five accused individuals to life imprisonment and imposing...
How IJM helped the Dominican Republic reduce child sex trafficking by 78%
In the 2000s, if you sold a child for sex in the DR you would be more likely to win the lottery jackpot than to receive a conviction. But things have...
lJM and RCMP Joint Workshop Empowers Dominican Police to Combat Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking
IJM conducted a workshop for the National Police’s Directorate of Criminal Intelligence (DINTEL) in collaboration with the Royal Canadian Mounted...
In a Major Judgment, 21 Customers are Convicted for Buying Minors for Sex
In a significant legal victory, a specialized child protection court in Kolkata convicted 21 men who paid for commercial sex from minors at a brothel...
Sex Trafficker Convicted for Sexually Exploiting Two Minors in the Dominican Republic
After 20 months of trial, a Dominican court found a woman guilty of trafficking and sexually exploiting two teenagers and sentenced her to 15 years.
Mumbai Woman Guilty of Running a Brothel, Sentenced to 7 Years in Prison
On April 22, 2022, a Mumbai woman was convicted after a 6-year trial and sentenced to 7 years in prison for running a brothel and exploiting...
Francesca's Story
Francesca thought she was sneaking out of the house for a fun day at the beach with her new friend. We want to warn you that Francesca's story...
IJM Romania identifies critical gap that often leaves survivors of trafficking losing their rights
In a rare victory, a young woman who was trafficked to London for sexual exploitation was awarded monetary compensation. As a survivor of modern...

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