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Trauma-Informed Care Builds Resilience for Survivors of Human Trafficking and Violence
To ensure the best outcomes of healing, survivors need access to trauma-informed care. What is it?
Playing Your Part is All You Need to Make an Impact
During my seven years at IJM, I have had the privilege to see along with our staff and supporters, the effectiveness of our IJM Philippines team....
Not Swift Enough: Survivors and Children Wait for Government, Industry to Act
Protecting all children and survivors from the ongoing trauma of sexual abuse and exploitation, including CSAM, is past due and urgently needed to...
What is Bonded Labour?
An estimated 15.5 million people in South Asia and around the world are exploited by traffickers through a common form of labor trafficking called...
Child trafficking is nothing like in the movies. Here’s why that’s very good news.
Five examples of how child trafficking has been portrayed in movies, and how they compare to IJM’s real work in the Dominican Republic.
How IJM helped the Dominican Republic reduce child sex trafficking by 78%
In the 2000s, if you sold a child for sex in the DR you would be more likely to win the lottery jackpot than to receive a conviction. But things have...
Stopping Sexual Exploitation One Step at a Time
How Justice Loving Hikers are Moving Mountains Worldwide In 2020, a group of hikers from southern Alberta decided they wanted to take action on...
Ruby's Story Unfolds in Gripping, True Crime Podcast
Ruby*, an IJM Survivor Leader, has long been a fierce advocate to end the online sexual exploitation of children. Now, her story has been brought...
Una vista inolvidable: Justice in Guatemala
IJM Canada staff member, Lorianne, visits our Guatemala field office. Learn more about her experience as she meets with the staff, survivors and...

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