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International Justice Mission Partners with NCMEC, Law Enforcement and Tech to Protect Children Online through Training in Côte d’Ivoire
IJM and partners are collaboratively delivering law enforcement training in Côte d’Ivoire that will support police in identifying offenders and...
Thriving in Freedom, Child Trafficking Survivor’s Dreams of Becoming a Doctor Now Back on Track
As a child, Godwin was a confirmed bookworm. He grew up in a small town, where his parents struggled to care for him or send him to school....
Uganda Police Force Collaborates with IJM and UN Women to Improve Response to Violence Against Women and Children
As part of a grant from UN Women, International Justice Mission (IJM) gathered Uganda Police Force (UPF) Officers to review IJM’s recommendations for...
“I Am Free and I Will Go to School”, Eight-year-old Rescued in Ghana
Two boys were rescued out of slavery last week by the Ghana Anti-Human Trafficking police with support from International Justice Mission. The...
Trafficked Children Found Hidden Under Bed During Rescue in Ghana
The Ghana Police Service and Ghana Department of Social Welfare with assistance from International Justice Mission rescued six trafficked children...
Senior Police Officer Convicted of Murder for the First Time in Kenyan History
A senior police officer was convicted today after he was found guilty of murder in a high-profile case of police abuse in Kenya. Formerly the Officer...
12 Convictions for Sexual Violence Against Children in Uganda
Last week, IJM Uganda achieved a conviction in a case of sexual violence against a child that they had been told would be "hopeless" to win.
Six Children Free in Two Simultaneous Rescues in Ghana
This week, police and IJM rescued five children and arrested two suspected traffickers in an operation in Ghana. The youngest child, a 6-year-old...
31 Free After Largest IJM Ghana Rescue to Date
Anita Budu, Director of Aftercare for IJM Ghana, anxiously watched from the deck of a boat as the horizon began to pale with the light of sunrise....

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