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A 14-year-old Receives Justice After Three Years of Abuse
In a significant milestone for justice in Bolivia, a child and her family found relief and justice with the support of PROBOS, an IJM partner, a...
How IJM Bolivia and its Partner PROBOS are Empowering Survivors of Violence
PROBOS is an interdisciplinary group of professionals who have been trained by IJM to attend cases of violence and abuse. Lawyers, social workers,...
Man Convicted by Bolivian Court for Sexually Abusing a Child
LA PAZ, BOLIVIA – March 1, 2024, was a day of celebration and relief for Carina* and her family. After a long nine-year court battle, PROBOS, an...
IJM Bolivia signs Memorandum of Understanding with Bolivian Ministry of Justice
BOLIVIA – On June 30th, following five years of collaboration with its partners, IJM Bolivia signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the...
IJM Bolivia Celebrates 13 convictions in Three Months
IJM-trained volunteers in Bolivia helped bring 13 criminal convictions in the first quarter of 2023. These rulings bring justice for 12 women and...
Canadian Parliamentarians to Travel to Bolivia with International Justice Mission Canada
Monday, September 9, 2019 — Since 2006, International Justice Mission Canada (IJM Canada) has worked with the Bolivian government to end all forms of...

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