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We won’t stop until every woman and child is protected from violence

The problem

Violence Against Women and Children

Violence affects millions of women and children around the world. Those living in poverty are some of the most vulnerable to a range of everyday forms of violence—including sexual violence and intimate partner violence. When a man assaults his wife or partner, it’s seen as a “family matter” handled inside the home instead of reported to authorities. Sexual violence against children is frequent, and under-reported due to fear and lack of community support. When cases are reported, police and courts are ill-equipped to handle these cases and can’t respond when these women and children desperately need protection.

Nearly 1 in 5 girls is sexually abused at least once in her life.

More than 570 million women are estimated to be subject to gender-based violence annually.

Worldwide, up to 50% of sexual assaults are committed against girls under 16 years old.

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Forms of Violence Against Women and Children

Our solution

Our Proven Community Protection Model

We help restore survivors of violence, build justice system capacity to identify and restrain offenders, and assist local authorities' efforts to prosecute and hold them accountable.

Our goal is to prevent violence from happening in the first place. That’s why IJM and our partners pursue sustainable improvements in local justice systems and build communities where all people can expect to be safe and protected.

Our Global Impact


Victims relieved from sexual and domestic violence


Women and children restored to safety and strength through IJM’s aftercare program and partners since 2013


Widows and orphans returned to their homes since 2004

Where we and our partners work to protect women and children from violence

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Anaelí* was abused and threatened to keep quiet.

When Anaelí was 11 years old, she was raped by three different men. None of them were strangers to her, and all of them threatened her or her little brother if she dared to tell what had happened. Frightened and confused, Anaelí kept quiet. But thanks to compassionate IJM supporters like you, her rescue was coming.

Explore more stories related to
Violence Against Women and Children:
IJM Equips Guatemalan Investigators with Training on Photo and Video Evidence Collection
In Guatemala, over 220 investigators were taught how to gather evidence for investigations of sexual crimes against women and children. The ability…
A 14-year-old Receives Justice After Three Years of Abuse
In a significant milestone for justice in Bolivia, a child and her family found relief and justice with the support of PROBOS, an IJM partner, a…
New Safe Spaces for Women and Children in Peruvian Police Stations
With the support of IJM Peru, two police stations in Lima, Peru, inaugurated welcoming waiting rooms and service spaces for the attention of women,…
47 Peruvian Volunteers and Police Officers Learn to Provide Better Care to Victims of Violence
30 volunteers and 17 police officers that serve victims of violence participated in workshops that equipped them to better serve women and children…

Violence Against Women and Children Resources

We are seeing evidence that IJM’s model works—that enforcing the law deters criminals and protects people from violence. Here’s proof:

IJM Justice Review: A Journal on Protection and Justice for the Poor
Final Evaluation of Program to Combat Sexual Violence Against Children and Adolescents in Guatemala 2005-2017
The Criminal Justice System Response to Child Sexual Assault in Guatemala: 2013–2017
A Performance Study of the Bolivian Public Justice System

Together, we can end violence against women and children for good.

Will you send rescue and protection until everyone is free?

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