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Web2 give hero

Your gifts help rescue and protect children & families

Impactful Gifts

Online Trafficking

Online Sex Trafficking of Children Rescue Operation

$30.00 +

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Sex Trafficking

Sex Trafficking Rescue Operation

$150.00 +

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Land Theft

Defend Widows and Orphans

$60.00 +

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Online Trafficking

Send an Aftercare Kit to a Child Survivor of Online Trafficking


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Purchase One Blanket for a Survivor


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Urgent Needs

Urgent Needs


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Employer Matched Gifts

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International Justice Mission Canada
PO Box 88031 RPO Levi Creek
Mississauga, ON L5N 8M1

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Your Gift Matters

Together, we can build a safer, more just world

Everyone should expect to be safe and protected in their community. Sadly, this is not true for far too many living in poverty. Your gifts help change that.

It Takes All of Us

It’s our volunteers, advocates, fundraisers and prayer partners who make our mission possible.


What’s God’s plan to stop violence against people living in poverty? It starts with us.

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IJM Canada Accreditation

Spending of funds is confined to board approved programs and projects. Each restricted contribution designated towards a board approved program or project will be used as designated with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met or cannot be completed for any reason determined by the board, the remaining restricted contributions designated for such program or project will be used where needed most. International Justice Mission Canada is seeking to raise $7.4 million in 2021 to rescue victims of violence around the world, and to educate Canadians regarding the need for involvement. We estimate it will cost $1.8 million to raise this amount. For further information, please contact 1.877.579.5030.

International Justice Mission Canada is registered with Canada Revenue Agency as a federally recognized charitable organization (registration number: 86388 9283 RR0001).

Media Contact

We're here to answer your questions. Please fill out the form below and someone from our team will follow up with you soon.

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Your skills, talents, and ideas are a force for change. From birthday parties to polar dips, your fundraising campaign can stop the violence.

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Thank you for signing up to learn more about starting a fundraiser. We will be in touch soon!

In the meantime, please take a look at our free guide: 25 Tips for the Novice Fundraiser.

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