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Send Rescue Every Month

Your monthly gift will protect children and families trapped in trafficking and modern-day slavery — and help bring an end to human trafficking around the world.
The Problem

Today, there are people who are suffering under the oppression of human trafficking.

They are mothers and daughters, leaders and activists—people with hopes and dreams, all fighting for the opportunity to live freely. You can fight with them.

How You Help

At IJM we know how to put an end to human trafficking and modern day slavery through propelling a movement of rescue and restoration. But our efforts are dependent on a committed, relentless community of monthly donors known as Freedom Partners.

It’s people like you that drive our work from rescue to restoration.

Here’s what your monthly support can do:


Supports a trafficking investigation


Sends a team on a rescue operation


Sends a trained lawyer to advocate for justice


Provides crucial aftercare for survivors


Meets a survivors needs at the moment of rescue


Supplies critical medical care for a survivor

As a Freedom Partner, you will support IJM in sending urgent rescue, every month, to those who need it most—and help to end human trafficking and modern-day slavery worldwide. In addition, you will join a thriving and committed community of activists who are on a journey of making justice unstoppable.

This is the time. People around the world are longing to live in freedom, while people just like you are deciding that they’ve got the courage to help.

Become a Freedom Partner.

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I love that IJM not only has amazing programs of their own but is focused

on partnering with others such as local governments, law enforcement, research institutions and other organizations. This shows great wisdom to recognize that strategic partnerships and working with others does not diminish the value and importance of their work but instead strengthens and multiplies IJM’s efforts. IJM combats the issue of human trafficking and injustice from so many different angles: prevention, intervention, restoration, survivor empowerment, and that resonates with me.


We have had the privilege of closely working with

one of IJM’s teams in the Philippines many years ago when "child trafficking" was still unheard of in our local city. For us, the decision to become Freedom Partners was more than just doing the right thing, but our personal way of saying to children in exploitation, "WE HEAR YOU." As they are rescued and restored, these children become more than just stories that inspire us to action. They become the powerful voices of justice that boldly continue to confront the darkness of oppression in our world.

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In addition to providing life-changing support, Freedom Partners receive:

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Media Contact

We're here to answer your questions. Please fill out the form below and someone from our team will follow up with you soon.

Make an Impact

Your skills, talents, and ideas are a force for change. From birthday parties to polar dips, your fundraising campaign can stop the violence.

Learn More

Thank you for signing up to learn more about starting a fundraiser. We will be in touch soon!

In the meantime, please take a look at our free guide: 25 Tips for the Novice Fundraiser.

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