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Latin America

IJM Equips Guatemalan Investigators with Training on Photo and Video Evidence Collection
In Guatemala, over 220 investigators were taught how to gather evidence for investigations of sexual crimes against women and children. The ability...
Survivors from 15 Countries Create a Movement to Stop Sexual Violence
Buenos Aires, Argentina - March 16, 2024. Survivors from 15 countries gather in Argentina to create a regional movement that combats sexual violence...
Indigenous Honduran Women and Girls Break Barriers to Accessing Justice
INTIBUCÁ, HONDURAS – November 25, 2023. IJM and Centro de Desarrollo Humano (Center for Human Development – CDH) facilitated a forum where 80...
IJM in the Northern Triangle of Central America Signs Crucial Agreements to Protect Women and Children
Tegucigalpa, Honduras – On September 4, 2023, Juan M. Rivera, Vice President of IJM´s Northern Triangle Program signed an agreement with the...
Survivor-Led Advocacy: “A Force of Resistance and Resilience”
From May 11 - 13, 40 survivors of violence from across Latin America gathered virtually for IJM’s first-ever “Public Narrative: Advocacy and the...
UNODC and IJM Host Webinar on Legal Assistance to Trafficking Victims
On May 28, and for the first time, the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and IJM hosted a joint webinar to share experiences and best practices on...
IJM and the Dominican National School of the Public Ministry Join Forces
On March 30, the National School of the Dominican Public Ministry, the Justice Study Center of the Americas and IJM signed an inter-institutional...
NAGTRI and IJM Partner to Train Prosecutors and Investigators across Ibero-America
For the first time, the National Attorneys General Training and Research Institute (NAGTRI), the training and research arm of the National...
Guatemala: Over 4,600 Survivors Received Holistic Care in the Past Six Months
In addition to providing holistic assistance for victims, the Institute has the mandate to review, approve and advise on national policies that...

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