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Breaking News

Consecutive rescues in India bring freedom and highlight increasing government dependability
Back-to-back rescues are a noteworthy display of the government’s efforts to protect vulnerable people from violence.
Court Convicts Kiln Owner and Trafficker in Speedy Trial
A surprise inspection by the Telangana Anti Human Trafficking Unit (AHTU) led to the rescue of 20 children from a brick kiln. The case took just ten...
IJM Equips Guatemalan Investigators with Training on Photo and Video Evidence Collection
In Guatemala, over 220 investigators were taught how to gather evidence for investigations of sexual crimes against women and children. The ability...
A 14-year-old Receives Justice After Three Years of Abuse
In a significant milestone for justice in Bolivia, a child and her family found relief and justice with the support of PROBOS, an IJM partner, a...
New Safe Spaces for Women and Children in Peruvian Police Stations
With the support of IJM Peru, two police stations in Lima, Peru, inaugurated welcoming waiting rooms and service spaces for the attention of women,...
Forced into Bonded Labour at the Age of 7, He is Finally Free
On June 24, 2024 the government rescued a 19-year-old man who spent his entire childhood working as a bonded labourer at a goat farm. He was only 7...
Survivor Leaders Start Handicrafts Business
Multi-colored silk thread earrings, oxidized silver and rhinestone studded earrings, stylish printed laptop sleeves and delicate tassels—these are a...
47 Peruvian Volunteers and Police Officers Learn to Provide Better Care to Victims of Violence
30 volunteers and 17 police officers that serve victims of violence participated in workshops that equipped them to better serve women and children...
Survivors from 15 Countries Create a Movement to Stop Sexual Violence
Buenos Aires, Argentina - March 16, 2024. Survivors from 15 countries gather in Argentina to create a regional movement that combats sexual violence...

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