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IJM Signs Memorandum of Cooperation with the National Police of Ukraine
This Memorandum of Cooperation is significant in ensuring collaboration between Ukrainian and EU institutions in Romania and Bulgaria, to combat...
IJM Drives Legislative Changes to Improve Assistance and Protection of Victims of Crime and Accountability of Traffickers, alongside Romanian Parliamentary Commission against Human Trafficking and ANAIS Association
BUCHAREST, September 24, 2024 - International Justice Mission, the Romanian Joint Special Commission of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate for...
IJM and World Vision Awarded US$10M Child Protection Grant by U.S. State Department for Romania
IJM and World Vision were awarded a US$10M Child Protection Compact grant by the U.S. Department of State to address child trafficking in Romania.
IJM’s European Anti-Trafficking Program Holds Conference with Top Lawmakers to Encourage Cross-Border Collaboration
IJM Romania hosted a conference with more than 120 lawmakers from across Europe titled: “Enhancing Cross-Border Collaboration to Combat Trafficking...
Government of Romania Holds "Common Challenges and New perspectives in Fighting Trafficking in Persons" Conference
March 21, 2023, BUCHAREST, ROMANIA – The Government of Romania, through the Department for Community Social Responsibility and Vulnerable Groups, the...
Bridging Language Barriers with Cutting-Edge Tech
Translation has been a key need for our teams in the field. This new technology works without reliance on online language resources because all of...
Update on IJM Response to Ukraine Refugee Crisis
IJM Romania is continuing to implement protection strategies and raise awareness on how to prevent trafficking at the Ukraine-Romania border, the...
Special Update: IJM's Response at the Ukraine-Romania Border
IJM’s mission is to protect vulnerable people from violence. Right now, more than a million Ukrainians are fleeing their country to escape the...
IJM Romania identifies critical gap that often leaves survivors of trafficking losing their rights
In a rare victory, a young woman who was trafficked to London for sexual exploitation was awarded monetary compensation. As a survivor of modern...

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