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Online Sexual Exploitation of Children

Reflections on Cybersex Trafficking from a Canadian Dad
Meet Philip Calvert from Calgary, Alberta
Real Results from Investigative Workshop in the Philippines
The Advanced Investigative Workshop, held March 25-April 5 in Cebu, brought global collaboration from nations like Australia, the U.K. and the U.S....
Huffington Post Canada Reports: Filipino Children Exploited Daily For Pedophiles In Countries Like Canada
Officials describe it as a humanitarian crisis. "This crime is fuelled by demand from western countries," said Sam Inocencio, the Philippine national...
Four days. Three operations. Sixteen Children Now Safe.
Armed with a search warrant, officers from the Philippine National Police intended only to look through 71-year-old Herman Arnett Ross’s Angeles City...
7-year-old’s mother and grandmother convicted for Online Sexual Exploitation of Children (OSEC)
ILIGAN CITY: On Friday morning, two women traffickers were convicted for sexually exploiting children online. Their names are withheld due to their...
Cebu City Court Sentences Online Trafficker to 16 Years in Prison
CEBU CITY – A 56-year-old woman pled guilty to trafficking her own daughter into online sexual exploitation in 2017. Around 4 p.m. on January 28,...
Philippine National Police Bring Rescue to Children in their First Operation of the Year
Inside a dilapidated wooden home in Iligan City, Philippines, three children were rescued from cybersex trafficking as authorities arrested a mother...
Five Children Under 11 Rescued as Mother is Arrested
ILIGAN CITY, PHILIPPINES— This week, diligent investigations and more than a month of surveillance led police to rescue five children—all under the...
Five Children Are Free, and Their Journey to Healing Begins
Acting on a tip from the Nordic Liaison Office, the Philippine National Police rescued five victims of cybersex trafficking last week in a town north...

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