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Online Sexual Exploitation of Children

Study reveals dramatic rise in the prevalence of internet-based child sexual exploitation in the Philippines
Wednesday, May 20, 2020, MANILA, PHILIPPINES — Within three years, the estimated prevalence rate of internet-based child sexual exploitation in the...
Authorities Conduct Operations to End the Online Sexual Exploitation of Children (OSEC) Amid Lockdown - Rescuing 3 minors, 6 days before the world celebrates Mother's Day
Yesterday / On 4 May, the Philippine National PoliceWomen and Children Protection Center (PNP-WCPC) and the National Bureau of Investigation...
7 Minors Rescued and OSEC Suspect Arrested
LUZON – Police arrested a 25-year-old female sex trafficker and brought seven minors to safety on Wednesday, April 22. Carrying a search warrant,...
Child sex offender sentenced in Australia for abusing children in the Philippines
Child sex offender convicted in Australia, as law enforcers gear up against OSEC amid COVID-19 lockdowns. The pursuit of justice for victims of...
Five Children Rescued from Trafficking in Multiple Operations
EASTERN VISAYAS, PHILIPPINES—In a series of police operations on October 9 and 10, Philippine authorities arrested five trafficking suspects who were...
“We were left with no choice but to follow her instructions.”
When Joy was eight, her parents separated and she began staying with relatives and neighbours. She babysat, did laundry, cleaned floors—whatever she...
The Lollipop Problem
The world has a lollipop problem. I’m not referring to our addiction to sugary snacks— but something much darker. Something more sinister. It is an...
American Sex Offender Sentenced to 84 Years for Abusing Filipino Girls Online
CEBU, PHILIPPINES – This month, a U.S. court sentenced 56-year-old Anthony Schultz to 84 years in prison for filming the rape of underage Filipino...
EUROPOL's Most Wanted: Arrested & Facing Charges for Cybersex Trafficking
CEBU, PHILIPPINES – Philippine authorities have captured a Filipino man who was once EUROPOL’s most wanted criminal. His alleged crime: producing and...

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