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Online Sexual Exploitation of Children

IJM Launches “Free to Play” Anti-trafficking Initiative at Super Bowl LVI
Wednesday, Feb. 9, 2022, LOS ANGELES, CA — Sports fans around the world are getting ready for Super Bowl LVI, and it is estimated that more than 90...
Cassie's Story
Cassie* was 12 when a family friend lured her to Manila. “He told me that he can help me to reach all of my dreams,” she remembers, and at first she...
IJM and TikTok partner in the Philippines to fight the online sexual exploitation of children
PHILIPPINES – International Justice Mission (IJM) and TikTok have partnered in the Philippines to ramp up the reporting of the trafficking of minors...
Cherished: More Precious than Gold
When COVID-19 restrictions came into place early in 2020, IJM Canada's Winnipeg-based gala event, Cherished: More Precious than Gold, grew into a...
Police arrest online sex trafficker in Butuan City, rescue 13 victims and children at risk
Philippine law enforcers arrested a 28-year-old woman after she was caught offering to livestream the sexual abuse of several minors and one adult...
Three Minors Rescued in Region 3 from Online Sexual Exploitation; 1 Suspect Arrested
May 14, 2020 | ANGELES, Pampanga - Today the Philippine National Police-Women and Children Protection Center (PNP-WCPC) and the National Bureau of...
Study reveals dramatic rise in the prevalence of internet-based child sexual exploitation in the Philippines
Wednesday, May 20, 2020, MANILA, PHILIPPINES — Within three years, the estimated prevalence rate of internet-based child sexual exploitation in the...
Authorities Conduct Operations to End the Online Sexual Exploitation of Children (OSEC) Amid Lockdown - Rescuing 3 minors, 6 days before the world celebrates Mother's Day
Yesterday / On 4 May, the Philippine National PoliceWomen and Children Protection Center (PNP-WCPC) and the National Bureau of Investigation...
7 Minors Rescued and OSEC Suspect Arrested
LUZON – Police arrested a 25-year-old female sex trafficker and brought seven minors to safety on Wednesday, April 22. Carrying a search warrant,...

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