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Press Release

IJM CEO’s Book Chosen as Part of the Signature Collection Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of InterVarsity Press
Tuesday, October 26, 2021, WASHINGTON, D.C. — In celebration of the 75th anniversary of InterVarsity Press (IVP), IVP is releasing twenty-seven...
A Positive Step for Child Protection and Privacy
Apple’s recently announced child safety measures have been met with a cacophony of responses, both critical and supportive, from a variety of...
IJM and TikTok partner in the Philippines to fight the online sexual exploitation of children
PHILIPPINES – International Justice Mission (IJM) and TikTok have partnered in the Philippines to ramp up the reporting of the trafficking of minors...
IJM Canada Welcomes Critical Leadership Title Transition
Anu George Canjanathoppil will continue in this role assuming the title of CEO. Under her leadership, IJM Canada has managed record growth in 2020...
IJM Kenya Launches New Project to Address Child Sex Trafficking in Mombasa
It is estimated there are up to 20,000 victims of child sex trafficking across Kenya, although only a fraction of cases are reported to the police....
Attorney General Doug Downey Among Special Guests at NourishHope Fundraiser for IJM Canada
Toronto, ON, 04 November 2019 – Human trafficking knows no borders, and Canadians are becoming increasingly aware of the many forms of exploitation...
Canadian Online Sex Offender Who Preyed on Filipino Children Gets Longer Sentence
Canadian online sex offender who preyed on Filipino children gets longer sentence An appellate court in Canada has increased the sentence for an...
IJM Canada Receives Largest Gift to Date
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Monday, June 17, 2019, London, Ont.: London-based NGO International Justice Mission Canada today received the first...
Landmark Conviction Brings Justice to International Trafficking Network on Both Sides of the Thai-Cambodian Border
A Thai judge found a Cambodian national guilty of trafficking five Cambodian victims into forced labour in Thailand’s fishing industry. This landmark...

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