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IJM Canada Receives Largest Gift to Date
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Monday, June 17, 2019, London, Ont.: London-based NGO International Justice Mission Canada today received the first...
23 Children Held as Slaves on Island in Ghana are Free
Two girls and 21 boys between the ages of 6-16 years old were rescued out of slavery in the fishing industry in Ghana the last week in April. Two...
Fifty Rescued from 3 Brick Kilns on Same Day
One of IJM’s grassroots partners referred a case of forced labour to the government officials. Following this, officials visited two brick kilns and...
Landmark Conviction Brings Justice to International Trafficking Network on Both Sides of the Thai-Cambodian Border
A Thai judge found a Cambodian national guilty of trafficking five Cambodian victims into forced labour in Thailand’s fishing industry. This landmark...
Local Partners Rescue 29 from Bonded Labour Slavery over the Weekend
Our mission to protect the poor from slavery and violence took great steps forward over the weekend, with two rescue operations led by IJM partners...
Five Boys Rescued from Goat-Grazing
Five boys who were isolated as goat shepherds for years are now resting in safety, thanks to a rescue operation led by local officials and an IJM...
Rescues Ensure These Children Won’t Make Bricks Anymore
Two back-to-back rescue operations on Wednesday morning have brought freedom to 10 people once trapped in modern slavery, including three children...
Repeat Slave Owner Arrested as 31 are Freed from Horrible Conditions
A frantic phone call from one escaped labourer set off a critical rescue operation on Thursday—leading to freedom for 31 people who had been enslaved...
“I Am Free and I Will Go to School”, Eight-year-old Rescued in Ghana
Two boys were rescued out of slavery last week by the Ghana Anti-Human Trafficking police with support from International Justice Mission. The...

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