
Rescue at Sea: Five Fishermen Free
Five fishermen are now free from forced labour and human trafficking after being rescued by Thailand's Department of Special Investigation (DSI) with...
April 02

IJM and Survivor Leaders Reaching Out on COVID-19 Spread
As the world races to stem the spread of COVID-19, IJM's team in Chennai has been working with local leaders in the Released Bonded Labourers’...
March 27

Freed from Fear: Rescue Operation at Three Eucalyptus Farms
BANGALORE, INDIA – Last week, IJM joined the Karnataka State Human Rights Commission (KSHRC) and local authorities on a rescue operation to free 50...
March 24

Local Authorities Take the Lead to Rescue 247 from Bondage at a Brick Kiln
CHENNAI, INDIA – On February 18, proactive government officials in southern India led a rescue operation to free 247 people—including 50...
February 27

Change is Happening: Officials Free 204 in a Single Day
BANGALORE, INDIA – Last week, IJM assisted local authorities in rescuing 204 children, women and men from two massive brick kilns near Bangalore....
February 18

Interstate Operation Frees 42 from Violent Abuse at a Sugarcane Farm
MAHARASHTRA, INDIA – In one of our network’s first rescue operations of the year, one of IJM’s grassroots partner organizations coordinated with...
February 11

Finally Free: Chithra's Story
Nearly every special moment in Chithra’s life—childhood, marriage, motherhood—was spent trapped on a farm under a slave owner’s watchful eye.
December 16

Arul and Pachayamma were forced to work in a dangerous quarry
Every time Arul asked for permission to do anything for himself or his family, the owner threatened him: “You cannot go anywhere! Even if you die,...
December 15

Eight Families in Bondage for 6 Years - Now Free
Earlier this month, IJM supported local authorities near Bangalore on an urgent rescue operation to free 29 people who were forced to chop wood for...
November 27