Sex Trafficking
Nepal Earthquake Halts World Climbing Expedition for Human Trafficking
Earlier this spring, Nick Cienski of Mission 14 and his team set out to begin his quest to complete the "6 Summits Challenge," a world record-setting...
May 02

Sex Trafficking
Dozens of IJM Clients Safe in Nepal; Staff Warn of Increased Trafficking Risks Following Earthquake
After the catastrophic earthquake that has so far claimed thousands of lives struck Nepal on Saturday, April 25, IJM’s team in Kolkata started trying...
May 01

Talking about Gary’s TED Talk
We’ve all seen the adverts on telly. The children from Africa, with flies on their face. The orphaned baby who isn’t getting the AIDS medication they...
April 28

Reflections on the Global Prayer Gathering Part 2: Kyrie Eleison
After finishing a chapter from a story book that we read with our boys, and after we navigate the final burst of energy before they fall asleep, we...
April 24

Sex Trafficking
Trafficker Receives Maximum Punishment After Two Years in Hiding
Three years ago in a district courtroom outside Kolkata, Maya* stood on the wooden witness stand and boldly shared her story. She declared that the...
April 23

5 Reasons You Need to Read The Locust Effect (Now in Paperback!)
If you haven't seen Gary Haugen's TED Talk, it's a must watch, and if you haven't taken a deeper dive into the problem of everyday violence that...
April 21
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