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IJM Canada Urges Canadians to Join the Fight against Cybersex Trafficking of Children with Nationwide Campaign ‘Not On My Screen’


LONDON, ONTARIO | March 9, 2017 - In the wake of International Women’s Day, International Justice Mission (IJM) Canada has launched ‘Not On My Screen’, a national campaign to educate the public about the cybersex trafficking of children and to end online abuse perpetrated by Canadians. ‘Not On My Screen’ urges individuals to stand against this horrific crime by purchasing their #NotOnMyScreen sticker to place on mobile devices such as laptops, cellphones and tablets at

Canadians are among those who abuse these children. Of nearly 60 countries investigated by, Canada ranked in the top three for hosting websites and images, and selling material containing child sexual abuse. The FBI estimates that, globally, there are 750,000 child predators online at any given time.

Cybersex trafficking is the live-streamed sexual exploitation of children viewed over the internet. Young boys and girls are forced to perform sex acts in front of a webcam for live, paying audiences around the world.

"This emerging crime is truly one of the worst forms of evil I have encountered in my human rights career,” said Sam Inocencio, National Director at IJM Philippines.

IJM’s cybersex trafficking casework is conducted in the Philippines, where the exponential growth of internet access has markedly increased the number of potential victims accessible to online predators. According to UNICEF, "the Philippines has become the global epicentre of live streamed sexual abuse, and many of the victims are children.”

Canadians can help end this devastating abuse. In addition to purchasing their sticker, individuals can take the pledge and share about the campaign on social media. All proceeds from the sale of stickers will be used to combat sex trafficking in the Philippines.

To order stickers and join the movement to end cybersex trafficking of children, visit


About IJM Canada:
International Justice Mission is a global organization protecting the poor from violence throughout the developing world. IJM partners with local authorities to rescue victims of violence, bring criminals to justice, restore survivors, and strengthen justice systems. International Justice Mission Canada shares in this mission. Learn more at

Glenn Waterman
VP Marketing and Development
International Justice Mission Canada
Phone: 519-679-5030 x 237

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