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Canadian Parliamentarians to Travel to Bolivia with International Justice Mission Canada


Monday, September 9, 2019 — Since 2006, International Justice Mission Canada (IJM Canada) has worked with the Bolivian government to end all forms of violence and persecution, especially child sexual assault. Over the last few years, the government of Bolivia has recognized the urgent care that is required for cases of child sexual violence.

This fall, IJM Canada will host a Parliamentarians Trip to Bolivia. This important meeting will unite the Canadian and Bolivian governments to discuss ideas and solutions related to indigenous women, the judicial process, and the protection of children.

John McKay (MP, Toronto, Ontario), Rachael Harder (MP, Lethbridge, Alberta), Senator Kim Pate (Ontario), Senator Marilou McPhedran (Manitoba), and Senator Julie Miville-Dechêne (Quebec) will form the consortium, which will take place from October 28th to November 1st. These five parliamentarians are all members of the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) to End Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking.

Kevin Dixon, Acting Director of IJM Canada, will lead the visit, which he says is “a celebration of the rapport that already exists between IJM Canada, Bolivia, and our government.”

The meeting will begin in Santa Cruz, where the group will be welcomed by Congresswoman Benita Suarez, whose Guarani heritage has fueled her advocacy for indigenous women in her region for over twenty years.

The parliamentarians will then travel to Sucre, Bolivia’s capital city, where they will observe a judicial training session offered by Canadian judges, a lawyer, a court administrator, and a police officer. This team of professionals has spent the last few years establishing a protocol for Bolivian courtrooms that will protect victims and expedite legal proceedings in cases of child sexual assault.

Last on the trip’s agenda will be a meeting in La Paz, Bolivia’s administrative centre, where the parliamentarians will meet with Bolivia’s first indigenous president, President Evo Morales.

About International Justice Mission Canada:
International Justice Mission Canada is part of a global organization that protects the poor from violence. IJM partners with local authorities to rescue victims of violence, bring criminals to justice, restore survivors, and strengthen justice systems.

For more inquiries, contact:
Christina de Jong,
Public Relations Manager

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