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Yaw Perbi

Yaw Perbi

President of International Student Ministries Canada

"God will judge us for treating ‘the other’ as an ‘It’ rather than a ‘Thou,’ just like us, just like Him—also created in the image and likeness of God"- Dr. Yaw Perbi

Dr. Yaw Perbi is a physician, pastor and president of International Student Ministries Canada ( He is the Global CEO of The HuD Group, championing holistic leader development in over 20 countries on all six continents. As a medical doctor he has practiced medicine in both his home country, Ghana, and as a military captain with the United Nations Operation in Cote d'Ivoire. For four years he served as the English pastor of the Montreal Chinese Alliance Grace Church. Dr. Perbi's 15 books include Amazon bestseller Thinking Outside the Window. He's physically served in 45 countries and been the toast of media groups worldwide including CNN, the National Press Club (Washington DC), VOA, CBC and BBC. Dr. Yaw Perbi is a John Maxwell-certified speaker/trainer/coach, Fellow of the Africa Leadership Initiative and the Aspen Global Leadership Network, a Lausanne Movement global catalyst and serves on various strategic boards. Yaw resides in Montreal, Canada with his dear wife Anyele, an economist and entrepreneur, and their six delightful home-schooled children. He owes all of this to Christ Jesus. Having experienced racism and prejudice firsthand as a Black man in North America, he is a fierce advocate of Biblical justice for everyone everywhere.

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