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Thomas Turner

Thomas Turner

Director of Data, Insights, and Information Systems

Thomas is currently the Director of Data, Insights, and Information Systems at Bread for the World, a Christian advocacy organization whose mission is to educate and equip people to advocate for policies and programs that can help end hunger in the U.S. and around the world. He is also an adjunct professor at Cairn University, teaching data analytics courses. Prior to his role at Bread for the World, Thomas was International Justice Mission’s Regional Vice President of Data & Insights, since joining IJM in 2012, he supported the North American fundraising and marketing teams in various leadership roles. Before joining IJM, Thomas worked at KPMG and held various research, data and compliance roles. 

Thomas received his master’s degree in English from Rutgers University and earned his bachelor’s degree in education and Bible from Cairn University. He lives in northern Virginia with his wife, a special education teacher, and their two children.

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