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Robin Padanyi

Robin Padanyi

Director of Development and Mobilization, Prairies

Robin Padanyi is IJM Canada’s Director of Development and Mobilization for the Prairies. In this role, Robin connects with IJM’s community of supporters and partner churches across Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, helping everyday men and women find joy in giving to IJM’s work of protecting half a billion people worldwide from ever being beaten, enslaved, raped or robbed in the first place; proving that justice for the poor is unstoppable.

Robin worked for 6 years with Hope Mission, a gospel rescue mission in Edmonton, then had the privilege of working with the Calgary Public Library Foundation, a role that moved him and his family across the province.

Robin lives in Calgary with his wife and spends much of his time chasing around their two young children.

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In the meantime, please take a look at our free guide: 25 Tips for the Novice Fundraiser.

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