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Mark Wollenberg

Mark Wollenberg

National Director of Church Mobilization at IJM Canada

Mark Wollenberg serves as IJM Canada's National Director of Church Mobilization. In this role, Mark travels across Canada to articulate the story of IJM to Canadian churches and invite them to participate in seeking justice on behalf of the poor and vulnerable.

Before joining IJM Canada, Mark was a pastor for 25 years, leading established churches as well as developing four new church communities in Edmonton, AB and Yellowknife, NT. He most recently served as senior pastor of the North Langley Vineyard Church in Langley, BC. Mark and his wife Brenda were also members of the national leadership team for Vineyard Churches Canada. Mark has coached pastors and church planters in Canada and a number of countries in Asia, as well as being a key leader for various city-wide inter-church events. He holds a B.A. from Taylor University and a M.Div. from Regent College.

Mark passionately communicates a vision of every follower of Christ committed to living justly in their community, and joining with others to see the wrongs of injustice made right in international contexts. He wants to see people from all professions and stages of life engaged in seeing justice prevail wherever oppression and injustice currently thrive.

Mark and Brenda have five children, two of whom live at home; they reside in Langley, BC.

Read Mark's alumni interview about his work with IJM Canada in The Bridge, a publication of Taylor College and Seminary.

Follow Mark on Twitter.

Watch Mark's video.

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