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Maranatha Weeks

Maranatha Weeks

Nurse and Clinical Case Manager, Shriner's Hospital

Maranatha Weeks has pursued overseas missions since the start of her nursing career in 2013. With a Bachelors of Science and Nursing (BSN) and a Diploma in Tropical Nursing she has aided in the aftermath of disasters in Ecuador, Haiti, Bangladesh and during the 2017 war for Mosul, Iraq, with Samaritan's Purse. She wrote her first novel "On the Plains of Nineveh: A Nurse on the Front Lines of Mosul" following her experience in Iraq. Married, and with two daughters, she currently resides closer to home, working as an ER nurse and a Clinical Case Manager for Osteogenesis Imperfecta at the Shriner's Hospital. She is passionate about continuing to serve among the outcasts, believing the freedom we have been given is only to be used in extending towards those who still need freedom.

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