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Lorianne Dueck

Lorianne Dueck

Advocacy and Public Engagement, Coordinator

Lorianne is the Advocacy and Public Engagement Coordinator at IJM Canada. Before joining IJM Canada in October 2020, she worked at the Centre for Faith and Public Life, Carleton University and Ottawa Walking Tours. She has authored case studies, supported businesses, volunteered for faith organizations and fundraised with not-for-profits. These experiences have developed Lorianne’s passion for helping people find practical new ways to love their neighbours – especially those in vulnerable situations.

She spent her childhood in Winnipeg, Manitoba before moving to Emo, a town of 1400 in North-Western Ontario. While she enjoys exploring the beauty of rural Canada, her passion for cultures and international business brought her to Ottawa and eventually Mississauga – one of the most multicultural cities in the world. Lorianne has spent time living overseas and enjoys speaking other languages (especially Spanish) and is grateful to call Canada her home.

Lorianne holds a Bachelor of International Business with a concentration in Human Resources and International Strategy from Carleton University. She values being part of IJM’s global team that prioritizes communication and collaboration in the fight to end modern day slavery. After work, she loves spending time outside, celebrating life in community, playing piano and singing.

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