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Joyce Rees

Joyce Rees

Pastor at Epic Vineyard Church

Joyce has pastored for more than 25 years. In addition, she regularly speaks for church conferences and retreats. She served as the founding director of Jacob's Well, in Vancouver's downtown eastside for nearly a decade. Occasionally, Joyce teaches preaching at Ambrose University.

In 2017 she launched a podcast called Down to Earth with her good friend, Jess DiSabatino. Down to Earth is a podcast that makes deep theology easily understood and applicable to daily life through discussion of the importance of story, kingdom theology of mission, the table of Jesus, becoming fully human, and more. Season Two is currently in production, but you can check out Season One (specifically the Justice Series).

Joyce is blessed to pastor a very grounded, relationally-focused church in Calgary, AB, called Epic Vineyard.

She is married to her husband, Calum, and they have two sons.





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