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Jemila Jackson

Jemila Jackson

Special Assistant, Senior Leadership

Before joining IJM Canada as the Special Assistant to the CEO, Jemila spent her time sharing the inspirational stories of women globally through speaking at retreats and conferences. She also produced and hosted the ‘I’m Still Standing Podcast’, a podcast highlighting women’s issues and stories of overcoming, listened to in over 25 countries.

By trade Jemila is a Social Worker holding a Master of Social Work from Wilfred Laurier University as well as a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from the University of Toronto. She practiced community social work and private practice counselling in the Greater Toronto Area. Jemila loves writing and made her debut in the writing world in 2021 by publishing her first book Radical Obedience.

She lives in Oxford County, Ontario with her husband Jamie and children Ariah and Amari. Jemila enjoys hiking, trying new recipes and spending time with her loved ones.

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