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Eric Ha

Eric Ha

Chief Administrative Officer

Eric serves as IJM's Chief Administrative Officer and is responsible for ensuring strong, effective executive leadership and strategic management of the global enterprise. Eric leads the Global Executive Office and manages the operations of the Global Leadership Team. Prior to this role, Eric served in several other executive leadership positions at IJM, including as Chief Risk Officer and General Counsel.

Before joining IJM, Eric spent nearly a decade at Sidley Austin LLP in Chicago where he managed large-scale commercial litigation, provided regulatory and strategic counseling, and conducted internal compliance investigations for major corporate clients. Prior to joining Sidley, Eric served as Advisory Counsel in IJM's Chennai field office where he worked on cases to rescue victims of forced labor slavery and human trafficking. He also taught constitutional law at the University of Miami School of Law and served as a federal law clerk to the Honorable Jorge A. Solis, Chief Judge of the Northern District of Texas.

Eric earned a B.A. with honors from the University of Texas at Austin and a J.D. from the University of Chicago Law School where he was a Public Interest Law Initiative Fellow. He lives in northern Virginia with his wife and three children.

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