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David Pollendine

David Pollendine

National Director for Development Growth

David Pollendine is IJM,'s National Director of Development Growth. Born and raised in the UK, he came to Canada with his family and started working for IJM in 2017 focusing on an ambitious vision by 2030, to rescue millions, protect half a billion, and prove that justice for people in poverty is unstoppable.

David is a trained teacher, actor and cut his teeth as a fundraiser working for Christian Aid and St. John Ambulance in the UK. During the 90's David spent 10 years in the Czech Republic working with students after the velvet revolution which ended communism in the former Czechoslovakia to help pioneer and establish a National Student Christian Union (UKH).

David has a BSC Hons in Sports Science from St Mary's College, University of Surrey and a master's degree in applied Drama from Goldsmiths College, University of London.

Before coming to Canada, David ran his own theatre company writing and directing plays for schools and using drama as a vehicle for transformation, working in youth clubs, libraries, museums, and youth offender centres. Over the years he has partnered with a number of NGOs running arts and development projects in communities across Europe, Africa and Asia. David lives in Winnipeg and is married to Irfana and has two children, Zara (17) and Zane (14), and a faithful dog called Biscuit.

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