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MATCHING FUNDS AVAILABLE! Send rescue, restore hope and fuel bravery for survivors like Joy*.

I will send rescue.

Barry Bonso-Bruce

Barry Bonso-Bruce

Barry Bonso-Bruce

Barry serves as IJM’s Chief Information Officer, leading the strategy and teams responsible for strengthening IJM’s technology systems and infrastructure, driving innovation, automating business processes, and enhancing employee performance.

Most recently, Barry held the interim CIO role and before that joined IJM in June 2021 as Vice President, Information Technology Strategy and Operations. He has over 20 years of experience in the technology field, 15 of which have been spent leading IT teams and driving digital transformation efforts. Prior to joining IJM, Barry held IT leadership roles at the National Academy of Sciences, College Board, and Gategroup, where he managed IT infrastructure platforms and oversaw IT modernization efforts globally. Barry holds a dual bachelor’s degree in engineering and computer science from Kingston University in England, as well as a master’s degree in information technology from Virginia Tech.

Barry is married, has two daughters, and has lived in the Washington, D.C., area for the last 23 years. He was born and raised in Ghana and still calls Ghana home. He is very thankful for the work IJM does there and is excited to be a part of the IJM story.

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