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Andy Griffiths

Andy Griffiths

Regional President, Africa & Europe

Andy originally joined IJM in 2011, and in 2019 returned as the Regional President for Africa and Europe. During his career Andy has led teams in a number of different disciplines, sectors and regions.

Andy grew up in Brazil where his parents served as missionaries to indigenous people. After returning and studying in England, Andy led a successful career as a corporate lawyer specializing in sports and media, eventually becoming the global head of business and legal affairs for Endemol Group, the world’s largest independent TV and digital production company. He left Endemol to serve IJM as the Field Office Director for IJM Chennai, India, from 2011 to 2014, leading the team through the innovative Google Intervention Project. The total number of people rescued globally by IJM was doubled within 2 years as the IJM Chennai team pioneered the model of “scaling through partnership”.

Between his engagements with IJM, Andy became Global Director of Governance for VisionFund, the microfinance arm of World Vision, leading Board and Governance policy development with 35 organisations and 7,000 staff around the world. He then served as Chief Executive of Laureus Sport for Good, working with a network of 180 community-based partner organizations in 40 countries to support local change and development through sport. After 4 years leading Laureus Sport for Good, during which it doubled its revenue and partnership network and pioneered impact measurement for sports-based interventions, Andy rejoined IJM in 2019 as the Regional President for Africa and Europe.

Andy is based in London, England with his wife and 2 daughters

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