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Malone's Story

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For two years Malone* stayed quiet as he was being abused

But a team of determined people—people just like you—helped rescue him and arrest the perpetrators

Malone has overcome a lot of obstacles in his young life, but as he’s told us, “[I am] very courageous despite all that has happened to [me].”

It’s because of justice-loving people—people like you—who chose to stand with Malone that his life is restored.

But his journey wasn’t easy.


When Malone was in third grade, he was forced to pose naked for photos taken by his Auntie. And later on, he was sexually exploited along with other children. The sexually explicit content they were forced to create was recorded and distributed online to paying sex offenders.

He was made to believe that if he told anyone, his life and the lives of his family, would be in danger:

“You’ll be killed if you report what’s going on. They will involve your family… You must think of your family that they would remain safe.”

So, for two years, he stayed silent.

His uncle would stand by a locked door, gun in hand, bringing fear to the children who refused to do what they were told.

“When you look at him, he’s scary. His eyes, his attitudes were too much. He would beat you. If you refuse to obey them, he’d show you his gun to threaten you.” Malone said.

Thankfully, U.S. Homeland Security learned of what his Auntie and Uncle were doing and stepped in.

After an investigation, and with support from the IJM office in the region where Malone lives, the two were arrested for their crime of online sexual exploitation of children.

And a little while later, a team of determined social workers, law enforcement officers and IJM staff rescued Malone, along with 12 other children who were trapped with him.

They received the care they needed, including counselling for the trauma they faced.

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We’re so happy to report that today, Malone is doing well.

He has finished his studies and now works for an IT company.

But that’s not all: he’s even become an advocate for other children just like him—turning his trauma into a force for good.

Your compassion and care makes success stories like this possible. Thank you so much!

You can help bring freedom and restoration to other children just like him by making a special gift today.

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