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One Woman. 161 Dependents. No Home.

July Hellen Header No Text 1

One Woman. 161 Dependents. No Home.

Imagine having 161 people to take care of.

That's 161 mouths to feed.

161 lives to protect.

After fleeing to escape war-torn violence in northern Uganda, Hellen finally returned to her home.

She hoped to move on and take care of her 161 siblings, children and grandchildren who depended on her to survive.

The neighbours terrorized Hellen and her family constantly, rallying members of the community to violently attack them, beat up the children and threaten to rape the women.

They were terrified, but despite intimidation, Hellen bravely reported the attack to local authorities.

When nothing was done, she became discouraged and isolated and afraid they wouldn’t survive.

Join us in giving widows like Hellen security, justice, and a life free from violence.

Thankfully, IJM began to fight for the safety of Hellen and her large family.

In 2013, we took up Hellen’s case and continued to walk with her until justice was secured for her and her family.

Today, Hellen and her entire family are safely back on their land.


Thanks to supporters like you, our team in Gulu, and Hellen’s unfailing strength,162 lives are changed for the better.

Violent theft of land is a devastating reality for countless widows living in Uganda.

Your gift will provide protection for women like Hellen and the families who depend on them.

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