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"On the lake, there is no peace."

February2018 Foli Slavery Feature Header

"On the lake, there is no peace."

- Foli* survivor of child slavery

Imagine being trapped in slavery at 12 years old and fearing for your life.

This was Foli’s reality on Lake Volta in Ghana.

Watch Foli’s story below:

The Deep Place: Foli's Story

One small boy. One huge lake. Foli was a slave. Immerse yourself in his story.

Thousands of children between the ages of 6 and 18 live in slavery on Lake Volta, working up to 18 hours a day in the fishing industry.


Since 2001, we with our partners have rescued more than 14,000 people from slavery.

When you give, we can continue to rescue children like Foli,
until all are free.

*A pseudonym. Foli's face cannot be shown for security reasons. We have included some photos of an actor on Lake Volta to give a representation of the boys' daily life.

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