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Evelin's Story

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DOUBLE your impact to bring justice to abused women and girls

For a limited time, your gift to find and convict perpetrators of sexual abuse will be matched—dollar for dollar

Less than 1% of perpetrators of sexual violence in Bolivia are sent to jail for their crimes.

By making a monthly or single gift today, you can DOUBLE your impact for an entire year.

You’ll help make it 30 times more likely that perpetrators are convicted and brought to justice.

Evelin was only 14 years old when it happened.

She was sitting in a park in Bolivia on a beautiful summer day. In the distance, she could see the cancha, or field, where she used to play soccer.

It was calm. Peaceful.

Until she was approached by a stranger.

“He told me he was a policeman,” Evelin remembers.

After searching her, the man claimed he’d found drugs in her bag. He placed her under arrest and forced her into his car.

“He took me to a place I didn’t know. That’s when he abused me.”

Alone, young and scared, she was raped in a ravine off the main highway.

But the story doesn’t end there!

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As Evelin fled from her attacker, she recognized his car driving down the highway. She quickly pulled a pen out of her backpack and wrote the license plate number on her arm.

When she got home, she told her dad about the attack. He contacted the police and reported the license plate. This critical piece of information allowed the authorities to identify the attacker immediately.

A few hours later, he was in custody.

IJM was able to provide Evelin and her family with a skilled team of lawyers and psychologists, completely free of charge.

Will you consider giving a generous gift that DOUBLES the impact and has the power to send twice as many perpetrators to jail for their crimes—and help twice as many survivors find justice?

Not only will your gift double up to a total of $50,000 for a limited time, but you will make it 30x more likely that perpetrators are convicted and brought to justice.

In Bolivia, 99% of perpetrators walk away free to hurt their next victim. But our research shows that when an IJM-trained team is involved, perpetrators are 30x more likely to be convicted and sent to jail.

Please consider making a gift that doubles your impact—and brings justice and healing to survivors.

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