The epidemic of sexual violence in Bolivia is devastating. With a population of only 10 million, tens of thousands of sexual assaults against children occur every year. But from 2000 to 2007, the criminal justice system convicted fewer than three perpetrators of child sexual assault per year.¹
Getting justice in court takes years; the process is complex, cumbersome and frequently derails. Sexual predators act with impunity. Young survivors of sexual violence who live in poverty have little hope of finding justice. Courts are backlogged and often lack effective case management processes. The few cases that move through the system can take years before reaching a sentence.
We are fighting to change this system and protect children from sexual violence.
Rescue Victims
We partner with the Bolivian National Police and Defensoría de la Niñez (Bolivian social services) to rescue children who are at risk of further abuse and bring them to safe places.
Bring Criminals to Justice
We support the Bolivian National Police to locate and arrest suspects, and partner with government prosecutors to ensure that child rapists and pedophiles are convicted.
Restore Survivors
We provide trauma-focused therapy for children who have endured sexual violence, and help survivors who choose to participate in the trial prepare to share the truth in court. We make sure families have the support they need, so children can heal in a stable environment.
Our Team in Bolivia
¹Gary Haugen and Victor Boutros. The Locust Effect. Oxford University Press, 2014.