No child should have to experience abuse and violence
Cassie* was 12 when a family friend promised to help her get a good education in Manila.
“He told me that he can help me to reach all of my dreams,” she remembers.
…But then the abuse began.
“I was thinking, ‘I want to die. I want to die because of this pain, but I can’t,’” Cassie says. “He hurt me every day. It felt very lonely for me because I was very far from my family and I couldn’t tell them what happened to me because I was very scared.”
No child should ever wish to die.
So many children are trapped in the same horrific situation as Cassie. And unfortunately, the crime of online sexual exploitation of children (OSEC) is growing rapidly.
Perpetrators go undetected as they share photos, videos and even livestreamed sexual abuse of innocent children for offenders to view all over the world.
This crime needs to stop. And we’re counting on you to help.
With your generous and caring gifts, you can help bring rescue, freedom and restoration to those children who are still trapped.
Cassie was rescued because dedicated people like you helped make it possible.
On the night of her rescue, she was woken up by loud noises and police inside the house.
“When they rescued us, it made me heal all the pain,” Cassie explains.
Following her rescue, IJM transferred her and other girls that were with her to a safe home to heal.
Cassie had a long road to recovery. But, because of faithful supporters like you, local police and IJM staff, she was given the chance to dream of her future again.
Today, she’s a star advocate for IJM—raising awareness about trafficking in schools in the Philippines. She was even a featured speaker at a large women’s conference in the United States!
Will you consider making a special gift to help bring rescue, freedom and restoration to children trapped in online sexual exploitation, like Cassie once was, today?