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Thousands to #Stand4Freedom and Shine Light on Modern-Day Slavery

Washington, DC, April 06, 2015

This week, from April 6-10, thousands across the United States and around the world will take a stand against the injustice of modern day slavery during the International Justice Mission’s 3rd annual Stand For Freedom campaign. Stand For Freedom, which started on six college campuses in 2012 and has since grown into a nationwide movement with multi-country representation, aims to highlight the reality that slavery still exists in the world today and provide concrete action opportunities to help end it.

"Stand For Freedom is a very physical and symbolic way for justice advocates to raise awareness about the fact that modern day slavery still exists on a massive scale,” said Greg Darley, Director of College Mobilization for IJM. "What started as a few events led by some very passionate college students has become a movement of thousands who want to speak out and stand up against the everyday violence that plagues the enslaved and oppressed.”

This year’s Stand For Freedom campaign is focused on building mass support for the End Modern Slavery Initiative Act of 2015 (S 553), which, if enacted, would be a game-changer in the fight to end modern-day slavery. Advocates from 42 states and 10 countries have signed up to stand at Stand For Freedom events around the world.

"The End Modern Slavery Initiative Act of 2015 has the potential to tip the scales towards justice for the millions around the world who live under the hand of violent oppressors,” said Eileen Campbell, IJM’s Senior Director of Advocacy. "When someone decides to take action against injustice during Stand For Freedom, we are one step closer to ending one of the most egregious human rights violations of our time—modern-day slavery.”

Today, there are an estimated 35.8 million people around the world living in slavery with 2 million children in the commercial sex trade. Just weeks ago, IJM participated in their very first rescue operation on Lake Volta in Ghana, where thousands of boys—some very young—are forced to work as slaves on fishing boats. The Stand For Freedom campaign strives not only to make these numbers known, but to highlight action opportunities through which people can be part of the fight to end modern-day slavery.

Taking a #Stand4Freedom involves three main action steps:

1. Signing the End Slavery Petition

2. Making a mark and sharing a photo in support of #Stand4Freedom

3. Starting or joining an event.

A wide variety of events are planned for this week across the country.

Read more about Stand4Freedom here.

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