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The Cause-Conscious Mother’s Day Gift Guide

If you’re looking for a unique Mother’s Day gift, look no further than IJM Canada’s faithful supporters.
In the last year, we’ve interviewed over a dozen of justice champions who went above and beyond to raise money for the cause. Among them are a handful of creative and courageous women who have dedicated their craft to protecting the poor from violence.
We’ve gathered their stories to inspire you to action this Mother’s Day season.
Read on for ideas on gifts that will make a lasting impact:
1) Your Crazy Bag Lady to the Rescue
Jenn Gerlitz is an independent consultant for custom accessory company, Thirty-One Gifts. In this interview, she shares how you can use her (stunning!) bags to bring rescue and start the conversation about justice. Order by April 21st to ensure Mother’s Day delivery! Read more…
2) Making Soap to Give Hope
Creative, resourceful and extremely practical, Dorothy Wintschel made a decision years ago to learn the craft of soapmaking (check out the Soap Angels Facebook page to place an order). Little did she know that this skill would become a way for her to make a lasting impact on the lives of the world's most vulnerable. Read more…
3) Rock Thoughts for Freedom
Deb Firth is a retired teacher from Alberta with a passion for justice, children, and all things creative! Lately, she's been flexing her artistic muscle by creating unique "pebble portraits" and selling them to raise funds for IJM Canada (visit her Facebook Page for information on how to purchase). She kindly shared with us the story behind her business, "Rock Thoughts". Read more…
4) Shawls that Send Rescue
Christine Bisch is a justice warrior who channels her passion for protecting the poor into creating beautiful knitted accessories. After an eye-opening trip to the developing world, Christine started Freedom Knits to support the work of IJM Canada (shop her Etsy store here). She hasn’t looked back since then and was kind enough to share her story with us. Read more...
5) Meaningful Mother's Day Gifts Your Mom Will Treasure Year-Round
At International Justice Mission (IJM) Canada, we know the value of a meaningful gift—especially to mothers. We are so inspired by the gifts from our supporters that we’ve decided to create a list of amazing gifts you can share with your own mother (or any special woman in your life). Read more…

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