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Taking Justice to the Streets: Interview with Ride Sunday

At IJM Canada, we love connecting with individuals and organizations with creativity, an interesting story, and a passion for justice. Ride Sunday, an organization whose mission is to connect a community of motorcyclists to important causes around the globe, checks all of these boxes. They've also recently named IJM Canada an official charity partner. Charity Relationships Manager Ramsey Sayed shared more about the Ride Sunday story with us in this interview.

1) Tell us the story behind Ride Sunday. How did it get started?

Ride Sunday was an idea that formed after Mark Hawwa, founder of Ride Sunday and The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride believed that encouraging all motorcyclists around the world to unite in support of charities around the world would show a sense of unity and solidarity within the global motorcycling community. The philosophy of Ride Sunday is simple: use your passion to bring awareness to motorcyclists on the road, and raise funds to those who need it - after all, motorcyclists are some of the most charitable people.

2) What have been some of the organizations best moments? What accomplishments are you most proud of?

This global event has seen some incredible accomplishments, but this year, having our sponsors Harley-Davidson, REV’IT!, Triumph Motorcycles and Royal Enfield, with us would have to be our most exciting. They’ve offered massive rewards to our highest fundraisers, giving our riders even more motivation to join this global movement. Having their support further validates our belief in connecting all motorcyclists, globally, and the value in support those in need. This has never been done. Knowing that we have the support of these incredible brands is proof that all riders can band together in support of those less fortunate.

3) What was last year’s event like? Any highlights? Challenges?

Last year was what we consider a "proof-of-concept” for Ride Sunday. Within 3 weeks, we connected with charities, launched the platform, and held the event. This was a result of wanting to ride mid-year, and not wanting to wait another 12 months to bring this idea to life. This wasn’t a measure of monetary success, but rather to gauge how the idea would take. Needless to say, it was a success and we have since built, and continue to build, upon the foundations from last year.

4) What is your vision for the future of Ride Sunday?

The future for Ride Sunday is to see all riders around the world gearing up and owning the road on the first Sunday of June, annually. We want to see riders supporting charities close to them, and showing the world that underneath the helmet is a mother, father, daughter or son, raising funds in support for the charity they choose.

5) Why should people participate in Ride Sunday?

Ride Sunday is an opportunity to motivate people to fundraise, empowering riders with their passion and using their love of riding to raise funds for charity - not to mention, Ride Sunday is rewarding its riders with incredible incentives, including brand new motorcycles, a motorcycling adventure, and riding gear - all provided by our sponsors Harley-Davidson, REV’IT!, Triumph Motorcycles, and Royal Enfield.
While it provides a great avenue to connect with and support charity, it gives riders an excuse to grab a couple of mates, claim the day, and get back on the road, dirt, or track. Most riders will tell you that it’s not easy finding the time to take those long rides, and all riders will tell you how much they love them - so Ride Sunday gives its participants an excuse to ride their way, all in support of charity.

6) Anything else you’d like to share with our readers and supporters?

Just spread the word! Even if you don’t ride, you can do your part by supporting the event. Share it with you friends and family, and do what you can to raise funds for incredibly worthy charities.

This article is part of a series featuring the amazing individuals who offer their time and talents to fundraise for us.
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