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Take a Stand

By Kelly Cameron, Associate Director of Mobilization

Picture this…it’s February in Eastern Ontario. Temperatures are far below zero, snow banks are piled high, and people are hurriedly walking to get indoors as soon as possible. That is most people. A few brave students are standing outside in this inclement weather for over 24 hours to raise awareness about modern day slavery on their university campus. This was the scene last February when the IJM Campus Chapter at Queen’s University participated in their first Stand 4 Freedom.

What is Stand 4 Freedom?

Stand4Freedom is an annual international campaign to help end slavery whose efforts support IJM. Historically, Stand4Freedom has been championed by university and college students worldwide, however it is an event for every age and demographic. Check out the video below.

Why should I get involved?

It’s estimated that over 36 million people live in slavery today – more than the population of Canada. Stand 4 Freedom gives you an opportunity to raise your voice and take a stand on their behalf.

How do I get involved?

Take a Stand: Gather a group of friends, family, or colleagues and take turns standing for 24 hours to raise awareness about modern-day slavery. Get creative –IJM interns in Bolivia are standing at their desks all week instead of sitting. Your stand can take place during the week of action (April 6-10) or during another date. Be sure to register your stand at to get your event on the worldwide map.

Make your mark: Write "I stand for freedom” on yourself (or on a sign), take a picture and post it on social media with #STAND4FREEDOM during the week of action (April 6 – 10). You can include iconic images of your city, town or province in your photos.

Sign the petition: Urge the United Nations to protect the poor from everday violence including slavery. Sign the petition

Start a conversation: Many people are still unaware that slavery exists today. Take the opportunity to open up conversations about the realities of everyday violence with those around you. You can find resources and information at

Take time to pray: Prayer is a powerful tool in the fight to end slavery. Sign up to become a prayer partner and join us in praying for IJM’s work around the world.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” -Margret Mead

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