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Survivor Leader Advocates for a School for Children in his Village

For countless children around the world, education is out of reach. According to UNESCO, as of 2024, approximately 251 million children and youth around the world are out of school. Many of these children live in communities where schools are far away or where poverty and danger prevent them from accessing basic learning opportunities. As a result, they become trapped in cycles of poverty that are hard to escape, making them vulnerable to trafficking and exploitation.

Khemraj, a survivor leader who was rescued from a brick kiln in 2016, recognized the critical need for education in his village but his village Pachhmata in Rajasthan India, faced a significant barrier to education: the nearest school was around 2 miles away in the neighbouring village, and the journey was filled with risks. The route was isolated, contained quicksand, and the main road was prone to accidents, making it difficult and unsafe for children to go by themselves. As a result, many dropped out, and education was neglected.

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In September 2023, Khemraj advocated for the establishment of a school in Pachhmata village to provide basic education and nutrition. While waiting for the government to launch a regular school in the village, Khemraj wanted to start a bridge school to prepare children for regular schooling. IJM helped Khemraj partner with a local NGO, Gayatri Seva Sansthan (GSS), who was originally planning to start one solely for girls. In response to Khemraj’s request, GSS extended their education program to include all the children in the village.

In December 2023, Khemraj and a social worker from GSS led an assessment to understand why children were not attending school. They found that around 25 to 30 children in the village did not go to school because it was too far, making it difficult for the parents—most of whom were daily wage workers—to manage drop-off and pick-up according to school hours. Additionally, some parents and children lacked interest in education, which was not viewed as a priority. To address these challenges, Khemraj met with families in the village to encourage them and raise awareness about the importance of education in the community. Although many families were initially indifferent due to economic pressures, Khemraj tirelessly advocated. His experience being trapped in bonded labour fueled his unwavering belief that education is essential for ending poverty and preventing exploitation.

On May 1, 2024, GSS launched the school and appointed a teacher from a nearby village to instruct community children aged 8 to 16. She teaches them basic English, Math and Hindi poems and stories. The oldest student in the class shared with excitement, “I learned to write my name!”

Despite his busy work schedule, Khemraj checks in with the teacher whenever possible to stay updated on the school’s progress. He shared, “I am feeling happy that the children are learning. I sometimes visit the education center to check how many children are attending. I want to see all the children get admission in a [regular] school.” Khemraj also frequently connects with GSS to support their community initiatives and motivate children to attend school regularly.

Today, the children of Pachhmata have access to education in their own village. Thanks to the efforts of Khemraj and GSS, around 20 children from Pachhmata are learning in a safe environment right outside their homes. Through education, these children now have a brighter future. It will not only help them catch up academically and equip them to enroll in regular schools but also empower them to break the cycle of trafficking and create a safer, more prosperous community for generations to come.

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