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International Justice Mission Names Sean Litton as President

Contact: Petra Kooman

CEO & Founder Gary Haugen appoints new leadership as IJM enters a new era of opportunity

Tuesday, March 15, 2016, LONDON, ONT.

International Justice Mission (IJM), a global organization protecting the poor from violence throughout the developing world, announced today that Sean Litton has been named President of the IJM global partnership, of which IJM Canada is a part. The appointment is effective immediately. As President, Litton will report into CEO and Founder Gary Haugen and will be responsible for the day-to-day operations of IJM headquarters as well as the organization’s global strategy, structure, and the recruitment and development of the senior leadership team. As CEO, Haugen, who founded the organization in 1997, will be uniquely responsible for casting the vision of the organization and will remain responsible for its ultimate success.

Litton has been with IJM for 16 years, serving first as the first Field Office Director in IJM’s Manila office and holding subsequent titles within the organization of Director of Operations for Southeast Asia, Senior Vice President of Justice Operations and, most recently, Chief Administrative Officer. He brings with him a wealth of institutional knowledge and invaluable experience in building strong and resilient teams, scaling highly effective global operations, and navigating complex organizational leadership and management.
"IJM is entering into the next era of opportunity to seek justice in our world and Sean is exceedingly well-suited to serve in this critical leadership capacity,” Haugen said. "He is a highly capable leader, innovative, pioneering, and fearless, but beyond this, Sean’s passion and heart for seeking justice is absolutely undeniable. I can think of no better leader to come alongside me as we continue to expand our mission to protect the poor from violence around the world.”

The decision to name Litton as President was unanimously agreed upon by IJM’s Board of Directors.
"On behalf of the Board of Directors, I am delighted that Sean will be serving as IJM’s President and helping to carry the mission into this next stage of growth,” said Nicole Bibbins Sedaca, IJM’s Board Chairman, "Sean has been a fiercely dedicated, highly capable advocate for IJM's clients around the world, and has been crucial in leading IJM’s work to secure their freedom. He is an inspired leader with a proven track record of continually advancing the mission to seek justice for the enslaved, abused and oppressed.”

"I am humbled and honoured by the opportunity to serve as President for an organization doing such important and transformative work in the fight for justice,” Litton said. "It has always been, and will continue to be, a joy for me to serve our clients around the world. The gravity of this mission is not lost on me, and it is my desire to see IJM step into this next season of its existence fully equipped to prove that justice for the poor is possible.”

International Justice Mission is a global organization protecting the poor from violence throughout the developing world. IJM partners with local authorities to rescue victims of violence, bring criminals to justice, restore survivors, and strengthen justice systems. International Justice Mission Canada shares in this mission. Learn more at

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