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International Justice Mission Canada Leading Human Trafficking Awareness Month Efforts

January 14, 2019
Contact: Petra Kooman
+1 519 679 5030

Monday, January 14, 2019 — January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month, utilized by government agencies and businesses to highlight a fact that few people are aware of – that more people are living in slavery today than at any other period in human history. It is also a month designed to present tangible ways for individuals to add their voice and investment to end slavery for good.

“While the scope and severity of slavery is more widespread than ever, so is the effort and energy being invested to stop it,” said Gary Haugen, global founder and CEO, International Justice Mission. “The slave trade is strong, but so is the movement of millions of individuals rallying their voices, energy and resources together. And now for the first time in history, ending slavery in our lifetime is actually possible.”

Partnering with national governments and local authorities, IJM is working to strengthen broken justice systems in 11 countries across the developing world. Too often criminals operate in the shadows, using brutality to force the most vulnerable into slavery, knowing that there’s no one to stop them. But IJM also works with partners to bring rescue and restoration services to victims of this violence, helping them find recovery and health for their life ahead.

And now more than ever, this work is being expanded through partnerships with major corporate partners who are not only acknowledging the issue, but investing in the fight to uproot the slave trade in their supply chains. Joined with millions of individuals, this combined energy and engagement from the public and private sectors is bringing new momentum to the fight and making the goal to end slavery in our lifetime a realistic one.

This month, IJM Canada invites people around the world to commit to raising awareness about human trafficking by elevating the conversation around slavery on social media. These posts can be shared from IJM Canada’s public Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter handles.

About International Justice Mission Canada:

International Justice Mission Canada is part of the largest international anti-slavery organization in the world working to combat slavery, trafficking, and other forms of violence against the poor. IJM also works to rescue and restore victims, hold perpetrators accountable, and help transform broken public justice systems. Learn more at

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