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June 6, 2014

LONDON, Ont. - The Board of Directors for International Justice Mission Canada today announces the permanent appointment of Ed Wilson as Executive Director.

Ed’s non-profit management skills are shaped by more than 20 years of leadership experience. He has been with IJM Canada since 2006 and has served in several management positions during his tenure. He first joined the organization as Director of Operations and in 2011 transitioned to the role of Chief Operating Officer. For the past seven months, Ed has served as Acting Executive Director.

"Ed has shown unwavering dedication to IJM’s vision and mission,” says James Peters, Chairperson of the Board of Directors. "He has the skill, humility, and passion required to be a strong leader. Under Ed’s leadership, the Board is confident IJM Canada will expand its impact to protect even more victims of violence.”

"Ed is an integral partner in our shared mission to protect the poor from violence and the entire IJM team celebrates as he takes on this new role,” says Gary Haugen, IJM President and CEO. "Over the past eight years, Ed has played a pivotal role in IJM Canada's exponential growth and we have been inspired by his passion for combatting violence against the poor, his vision for growing the justice movement across Canada and his sterling character. We wish Ed and the IJM Canada team all the best as they work tirelessly to help bring rescue to children and families who are being crushed by everyday violence.”

"I am excited about leading the growing movement of Canadians who are not content to sit on the sidelines while millions of the poor suffer from violence but want to know that their voices, charitable donations and professional talents are making justice for the poor possible,” says Ed.

"IJM Canada has always punched above its weight in the global justice movement,” he adds. "As an organization, we benefitted from Jamie McIntosh’s leadership for 12 years. Now, with our team beside me and our supporters behind us, we have the opportunity to achieve even greater impact and effectiveness.”

Ed looks forward to sharing his vision for IJM Canada and is available for media interviews and speaking engagements.

To book Ed for a media interview, please contact Petra Bosma, To book Ed for a speaking engagement, please email


Petra Bosma, Public Affairs Manager
1-877-579-5030 x. 229


International Justice Mission is a global organization that protects the poor from violence throughout the developing world. IJM partners with local authorities to rescue victims of violence, bring criminals to justice, restore survivors, and strengthen justice systems. International Justice Mission Canada shares in this mission.

In nearly 20 communities throughout Africa, Latin America, South Asia and Southeast Asia, IJM combats slavery, sex trafficking, sexual violence, police brutality, property grabbing and other forms of violence.

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