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How to Experience True Transformation

It took a few weeks before he was willing for me to take off the second training wheel. Fully confident that he had the skill, courage and balance to ride his bike on two wheels, I gave him a gentle push. My son’s small legs turned the pedals at such velocity that I feared he might take off, but after a few wobbles and passers-by jumping off the path, he did it! He rode his bike. He nailed it.
Photo via Pixabay

Over the next few days and weeks, his riding became more confident and his ability to stop more graceful! Once he figured things out, there was no stopping him. He went off road, exploring and taking small adventures. Within reason, he could take the lead—decide which path to take, which small log to hop over. In one moment, a rite of passage for many children, his world was transformed.
Each of us has experienced transformation at some level. Perhaps that transformation took place when your child or grandchild was born.
The trip you took to a developing country.
The day you graduated University and started your first job.
The day of your marriage when you were transformed from being single, to having a spouse.
Perhaps your transformation took months or years but as you look back, the person you are today, is different from the person you were ten years ago.
Our world around transforms all the time. Seasons change. Trees lose their leaves. And then, almost in an instant, without us really noticing, they are transformed into beautiful and intricate displays of pink and white blossoms. The forest, so dormant through winter bursts with life and colour through spring and summer.
Photo: Helen Manson for IJM

If only we took the time and put down our mobile devices, we’d see that transformation is taking place all around us, all the time.
My role at IJM Canada allows me the privilege to personally thank the many women, men, churches and businesses who support our work. When I meet with our supporters, there is one recurring theme that is always evident.
Not only are these people passionately engaged in our work, but through the act of giving, they themselves have been transformed. This transformation in many cases has not been expected, though I am never surprised.
When we give, we never do so in a vacuum.
Sometimes we give because of a compelling story or an experience. Our heart has been moved in some way and so we reach deep, and give generously.
Sometimes we give because it simply makes sense. We give because we see the impact of IJM in the world and we want to support it. Writing a cheque, or giving through our credit card is transactional, but I've had countless conversations with supporters who say that they have been transformed in the process of giving.
They have engaged at a deeper level as they receive the stories of rescue and restoration. Stories of criminals being convicted, families being protected, and whole systems being changed. What once seemed a distant arms-length participation in our work, is now a complete transformation of heart and mind, which, often results in more generosity or greater engagement in advocating for our work with their networks.
Photo: Helen Manson for IJM

Photo: Helen Manson for IJM

As you engage with our work at IJM Canada, as you give generously to ensure that justice for the poor is possible and celebrate with joy when you the stories of rescue and restoration, don’t be surprised if you too are transformed in the process.

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